23 mai 2016

Tsai Ing-wen présidente : cérémonie et fête d'investiture, 4 mois après l'élection

La présidente de la République, Tsai Ing-wen, a pris ses fonctions :


Vidéo de l'évènement et de la fête :

Liens :

L’intégralité de la cérémonie d’investiture de Tsai Ing-wen en vidéo


Discours de Tsai Ing-Wen du 2016/05/20

Liens :


Extraits du discours :

Sujet : "Building a Better Country for the Younger Generation"

Extraits :

  • "Our pension system will go bankrupt without reform.
  • Our rigid educational system is increasingly out of touch with society. Our energy and resources are limited, and our economy lacks momentum, with the old model of OEM manufacturing facing a bottleneck. This country urgently needs a new model for economic development.
  • Our population is rapidly aging, while the long-term care system remains inadequate.
  • Our birthrate remains low, while a sound childcare system seems a distant prospect.
  • Our environment still suffers from severe pollution.
  • Our country's fiscal situation is far from optimistic.
  • Our judicial system has lost the trust of the people.
  • Our families are deeply disturbed by food safety scandals.
  • Our wealth disparities are still widening.
  • Our social safety net is full of holes.
  • Most importantly, and I must stress: our young people still suffer from low wages. Their lives are stuck, and they feel helpless and confused about the future."
  • "My self-expectation is that, within my term as President, I will tackle this country's problems step by step, starting with the basic structure."
  • "It is the solemn duty of the new administration to help young people overcome difficulties, achieve generational justice, and deliver to the next generation a better country."

Sujet : "Transforming Economic Structures"

Extraits :
  • "We have the vibrancy and resilience of a maritime economy, high quality human resources, the pragmatic and reliable culture of engineers, a well-developed industrial chain, nimble and agile small and medium enterprises, and of course, our relentless entrepreneurial spirit. In order to completely transform Taiwan's economy, from this moment on, we must bravely chart a different course - and that is to build a "New Model for Economic Development" for Taiwan."
  • "The first step of reform is to strengthen the vitality and autonomy of our economy, reinforce Taiwan's global and regional connections, and actively participate in multilateral and bilateral economic cooperation as well as free trade negotiations including the TPP and RCEP."
  • "We will also promote a "New Southbound Policy" in order to elevate the scope and diversity of our external economy, and to bid farewell to our past overreliance on a single market."

Sujet : "Social Fairness and Justice"

Woodcut "The Terrible Inspection" by Rong-zan Huang

Extraits :

  • "For the new democratic system to move forward, we must first find a way to face the past together. I will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission inside the Presidential Office, to address the historical past in the most sincere and cautious manner. The goal of transitional justice is to pursue true social reconciliation, so that all Taiwanese can take to heart the mistakes of that era."
  • "We will begin by investigating and sorting through the facts. Within the next three years, we plan to complete Taiwan's own investigative report on transitional justice. Follow-up work on transitional justice will then be carried out in accordance with the truth unveiled by the report. We will discover the truth, heal wounds, and clarify responsibilities. From here on out, history will no longer divide Taiwan. Instead, it will propel Taiwan forward."
  • "Also related to fairness and justice, I will uphold the same principles when addressing issues concerning Taiwan's indigenous peoples. At today's Inauguration Ceremony, before they sang the national anthem, the indigenous children first sang the traditional melodies of their tribes. This means that we dare not forget who arrived first on this island."
  • "The new government will address issues concerning indigenous peoples with an apologetic attitude. My administration will work to rebuild an indigenous historical perspective, progressively promote indigenous autonomous governance, restore indigenous languages and cultures, and improve the livelihood of indigenous communities."
  • "Next, the new government will actively promote judicial reform. At this juncture, this is the issue the people of Taiwan care the most about. The general sentiment is that the judicial system is not close to the people, and is not trusted by them. It is unable to fight crime effectively, and has lost its function as the last line of defense for justice."
  • "To demonstrate the new government's resolve, we will hold a national congress on judicial issues this coming October. By allowing public participation and letting in social forces, we will advance judicial reform together. The judicial system must respond to the needs of the people. It will no longer be a judicial system for legal professionals only, but for everyone. Judicial reform is not only the business of legal professionals; it must be inclusive."

Sujet : "Regional Peace and Stability and Cross-Strait Relations"

Extraits :

  • "We will share resources, talents and markets with other countries to achieve economies of scale and to allow the efficient use of resources. This is the spirit on which our "New Southbound Policy" is based. We will broaden exchanges and cooperation with regional neighbors in areas such as technology, culture and commerce, and expand in particular our dynamic relationships with ASEAN and India."
  • "The new government will conduct cross-Strait affairs in accordance with the Republic of China Constitution, the Act Governing Relations Between the People of Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, and other relevant legislation. The two governing parties across the Strait must set aside the baggage of history, and engage in positive dialogue, for the benefit of the people on both sides."
  • "The first element is the fact of the 1992 talks between the two institutions representing each side across the Strait (SEF & ARATS), when there was joint acknowledgement of setting aside differences to seek common ground. This is a historical fact. The second element is the existing Republic of China constitutional order. The third element pertains to the outcomes of over twenty years of negotiations and interactions across the Strait. And the fourth relates to the democratic principle and prevalent will of the people of Taiwan."

Sujet : "Diplomatic and Global Issues"

Extraits :

  • "The fifth area for the new government to take up is to fulfill our duty as a citizen of the world and contribute towards diplomatic and global issues. We will bring Taiwan closer to the world, and the world closer to Taiwan."
  • "Taiwan has been a model citizen in global civil society. Since our democratization, we have persisted in upholding the universal values of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights. It is with this spirit that we join the alliance of shared values and concerns for global issues. We will continue to deepen our relationships with friendly democracies including the United States, Japan and Europe to advance multifaceted cooperation on the basis of shared values."
  • "We will proactively participate in international economic and trade cooperation and rule-making, steadfastly defend the global economic order, and integrate into important regional trade and commercial architecture."

Pour la Conclusion :

Extraits :

  • "From the first direct Presidential Election in 1996 to today, exactly 20 years have gone by. Thanks to two decades of hard work by successive governments and civil society, we have overcome many obstacles that emerging democracies must confront. Throughout this process, we have had many touching moments and stories. But like other countries, we have also experienced anxiety, unease, contradictions and conflict."
  • "We have witnessed confrontation within society; confrontation between progressive and conservative forces, between pro-environment and pro-development views, and between political ideologies. These confrontations have sparked the energy for mobilization during election seasons. But also because of these dichotomies, our democracy gradually lost its ability to solve problems."
  • "Democracy is a process. In every era, those who work in politics must recognize clearly the responsibilities they shoulder. Democracy can move forward, but it can also fall backwards."
  • "The new government's duty is to move Taiwan's democracy forward to the next stage: before, democracy was about winning or losing the election. Now, democracy is about the welfare of the people. Before, democracy was a showdown between two opposing values. Now, democracy is a conversation between many diverse values."
  • "To build a "united democracy" that is not hijacked by ideology; to build an "efficient democracy" that responds to the problems of society and economy; to build a "pragmatic democracy" that takes care of the people - this is the significance of the new era."

A noter dans le discours de Tsai Ing-Wen :
  • Il n'y a pas une seule fois les mots Chine ou chinois dans le discours.
  • Rien sur la Corée qui reste le concurrent industriel principal de Taiwan.

Nouvelles gouvernementales :

Pour l’investiture de Tsai Ing-wen, un spectacle donne à voir l’histoire de Taiwan

Des réactions interessantes à la cérémonie :


Nouvelles gouvernementales :

Le plaidoyer de Tsai Ing-wen pour une « démocratie unie, efficace et pragmatique »

Commentaires du discours :


17 janv. 2016

Elections 2016 : La première réelle chance d'alternance à Taiwan

Enfin, pouvoir retrouver le goût de Taiwan ! 

C'est la première fois que le pouvoir change de main à Taiwan. Le DPP a remporté les élections présidentielles et - aussi et surtout - les élections législatives. C'est un moment historique.

Par le passé, le DPP avait gagné la présidence (2000 et 2004), mais était toujours resté minoritaire au parlement. C'est une véritable alternance, et d'autant plus forte qu'il y a un contexte historique dramatique qui oppose depuis toujours les deux partis.
Source: Asia Times

Tsai 2012 (Source: REUTERS/Ashley Pon/National Post)

Dernier meeting sous la pluie (Source: Anadolu Agency)

Heureusement, pas de coup de feu cette fois, des achats de vote et des intimidations aux élections comme à chaque fois, ça fait partie du jeu à Taiwan. De fausses rumeurs les plus insultantes possibles aussi. Mais personne n'a pu empêcher Tsai Ing Wen de triompher.

Chiffres de 2016:
Tsai Ing-wen         6,894,744        56.1%
Eric Chu Li-luan         3,813,365         31.0%
James Soong        1,576,861        12.8%

Chiffres de 2012:
Ma Ying-jeou        6,891,139            51.60%
Tsai Ing-wen       6,093,578            45.63%
James Soong        369,588            2.77%

Il semble que l’électorat du KMT s'est reporté ailleurs, ou s'est seulement évaporé - 3 millions de voix. Et Tsai qui fait un score équivalent à celui de Ma en 2012 (avec 3600 voix de plus) - c'est vraiment ironique !

Résultats détaillés ici:


Deux événements en particuliers durant la campagne:

1) Danshui Grandma: une histoire magnifique, qui fit rire tant de monde à Taiwan ! Le KMT aura offert une campagne électorale très originale, avec un "switch" de candidat 3 mois avant l'élection !

L'histoire de Danshui Grandma: 

2) La gamine de 16 ans persécutée par la Chine à la vue des taiwanais : la Chine a voulu humilier les taiwanais au moment des élections.

Beaucoup de gens ont été révoltés de voir cette enfant maltraitée ainsi. Les prises de position sur ce sujet en faveur de la Chine - étonnament - du Président Ma et du candidat KMT ont attisé encore leur colère.

Discours de Tsai après les résultats ici:

  • "For the first time, there has also been a transition of Taiwan’s legislative majority."
  • "In 2016, through our democratic elections, we have yet again showed the world the pride of being a democratic country and how proud we are as Taiwanese. Our message to the international community is that democracy, as a value, is deeply engrained in the Taiwanese people. Our democratic way of life is forever the resolve of Taiwan’s 23 million people."
  • "In the interim between the new legislature and the presidential inauguration, the DPP will maintain closer communication and consultations with the current government, in accordance with the constitutional framework."
  • "But in the four years ahead, I will do everything I can to realize my promises: to turn Taiwan into a more advanced country, engage in the necessary development of our infrastructure, and fix the policy failures of the past. I will rebuild the people’s trust in government and create a stable foundation for Taiwan’s future development."
  • "During this election, I had promised on many occasions, that I will build a consistent, predictable, and sustainable cross-strait relationship."
  • "after my new administration takes office on May 20, the Republic of China constitutional order, the results of cross-strait negotiations, interactions and exchanges, and democratic principles and the will of the Taiwanese people, will become the foundation for future cross-strait relations."
  • "Our democratic system, national identity, and international space must be respected. Any forms of suppression will harm the stability of cross-strait relations."