Ces derniers jours, c'était les migrations de crabes et de busards à Kenting, puis ce fut la typhon, avec de gros dégâts à Kaohsiung, avec une polémique politique à la clé.
Pas de quoi faire la fête.
A propos de la fête de la pleine lune :
Excellent article très instructif :
Four Things You Didn't Know About the Mid-Autumn Festival, By Darren LimExtraits :
- "2. In Taiwan, the Mid-Autumn Festival is national BBQ day. [...] In the mid-1980s, a major barbeque-sauce company launched an ad with the slogan "Mid-Autumn Night is BBQ Night". Supposedly, it all started with a TV commercial and since then, Mid-Autumn has become the peak season for sales of BBQ products in Taiwan."
- "3. It's also pomelo time! The pomelo is a beloved fruit of the Mid-Autumn Festival, [...] they put the pomelo rinds on their heads. [...]"
Autre article :
"Pour la fête de la Mi-Automne, célébrée hier dans tout le monde chinois, les Taiwanais ne se contentent pas d'offrir, comme le veut la tradition, des gâteaux de lune. Ce jour chômé (raison pour laquelle Taiwan Info n'a pas fait paraître de dépêches hier) est aussi l'occasion de s'adonner aux joies du barbecue. Balcons, trottoirs et arrière-cours s'animent jusque tard dans la nuit de rires et d'odeurs de grillades."
Mooncake 月餅, Mid-Autumn Festival
A propos des Mooncakes, des gateaux de lune, et des légendes à ce sujet, de leur composition :
D'autres articles :
Extraits :
- [...] a nutritionist at Cardinal Tien Hospital, said that as moon cakes are mainly made with flour, sugar and butter, a little piece of egg yolk-filled moon cake weighing about 60g can contain up to 270 calories. As an example, a woman weighing 55kg would have to power walk for an hour to burn off the amount of calories she consumed in a 60g moon cake filled with dried dates or an egg yolk — typical fillings in a moon cake.
Extraits :
- "A kumquat "snow-skin" mooncake, touted as the largest mooncake ever made in Taiwan, was unveiled in eastern Taiwan's Yilan County on Saturday. A 30-person team led by Chen Yun-ju, an assistant professor from the county's Lan Yang Institute of Technology, worked for 24 hours before completing the cake on Friday, according to the Jiaosi Township Office, which organized the challenge."
- "The giant mooncake, weighing 360 kilograms and measuring 330 centimeters in diameter, could be shared by 1,500 people."
- ""Yilan County produces 90 percent of the kumquats in the country each year, and Jiaosi is the main producing area, " township chief Huang Tai-ping said. Huang hoped to promote the local fruit and boost tourism through the event."
[ A propos des kumquats de Yilan : ici ]
Toujours Yilan :
"Pour dignement célébrer une des dates importantes du calendrier lunaire, la fête de la Mi-Automne, l’administration du district d’Yilan a eu l’idée de remettre au goût du jour ces balançoires traditionnelles en bambou : 6 mètres de haut et [...] 3 mètres de hauteur [...] pour les plus petits."